Like many Dylan fans, I became aware of Blind Wille McTell after the release of The Bootleg Series Vol. 1-3, released in 1991. That collection includes his nearly lost masterpiece, Blind Willie McTell, which was inexplicably left off Infidels.
I immediately sought out information on this Blind Willie McTell character that Dylan apparently thought so highly of. I found out that McTell was part of the Piedmont style of the blues that originated on the east coast of the US. Blind Blake, the Reverend Gary Davis, and Blind Boy Fuller were also from this area. I learned that McTell wrote the well-known Statesboro Blues, made famous to my generation by the Allman Brothers.
The other day I dug out an old book, the New Blackwell Guide to the Recorded Blues to find out a bit more about this Piedmont sound. According to Blackwell, it developed later than the Delta blues, primarily around Atlanta and Charlotte. Many Piedmont-style tunes were meant to be danced to, often named “rags”.
Now, let’s move on to the connections between McTell and Dylan.
The first thing that comes to mind is whether Dylan was a true fan of McTell’s, or simply liked the mellifluous sound of his name. The answer is the former, not really surprising given Dylan’s penchants for the blues.
PLAYBOY: Let’s talk some more about your influences. What musicians do you listen to today. DYLAN: I still listen to the same old black and-blue blues. Tommy McClennan, Lightnin’ Hopkins, the Carter Family, the early Carlyles. I listen to Big Maceo, Robert Johnson. Once in a while, I listen to Woody Guthrie again. Among the more recent people, Fred McDowell, Gary Stewart. I like Memphis Minnie a whole lot. Blind Willie McTell. I like bluegrass music. I listen to foreign music, too. I like Middle Eastern music a whole lot.
Playboy Interview: Nov/Dec 1977 Interviewer : Ron Rosenbaum
I’ve already mentioned that Dylan included two McTell songs on World Gone Wrong. McTell didn’t actually write Delia; it’s a traditional song that McTell put his own spin on. Actually, I don’t think Dylan used McTell’s version, although that seems to be the prevailing wisdom. Both the musical arrangement and the lyrics – in particular, the refrain “All my friends are gone” – come from Reverend Gary Davis. In contrast, McTell sings “She’s all I got, she’s gone”.
Best that I can tell, McTell did write Broke Down Engine. A search of the Pre-War Blues concordance doesn’t turn up anything that looks to be the forefather of Broke Down. (Although it does turn up one Lonnie Clark. He recorded Broke Down in 1929, a couple of years before McTell. I assume Clark must have somehow learned the song by way of McTell.)
In the liner notes of World Gone Wrong, Dylan wrote:
Broke Down Engine is a Blind Willie McTell masterpiece … it’s about Ambiguity, the fortunes of the privileged elite, flood control – watching the red dawn not bothering to dress.
A more recent connection. Dylan copped the title of his Lonesome Day Blues from McTell’s song with the same name. But not the lyrics or music.
Finally, somebody pointed out on Expecting Rain the “big brass bed” phrase in the lines below from McTell’s Rough Alley Blues. (“cherry red” might also ring a bell, right 🙂 )
I take it to my room and lay it ‘cross my big brass bed I take it to my room and lay it ‘cross my big brass bed I guess, I’ll be my own singer, neighbours, turn cherry red
That’s about all I could find on the connections between Dylan and McTell. If you know anything else, please add a comment below.
BROKE DOWN ENGINE is a Blind Willie Mctell masterpiece. it’s about trains, mystery on the rails — the train of love, the train that carried my girl from town — The Southern Pacific, Baltimore & Ohio whatever — it’s about variations of human longing — the low hum in meter & syllables. it’s about dupes of commerce & politics colliding on tracks, not being pushed around by ordinary standards. it’s about revival, getting a new lease on life, not just posing there — paint chipped & flaked, mattress bare, single bulb swinging above the bed. it’s about Ambiguity, the fortunes of the privilege elite, flood control — watching the red dawn not bothering to dress. LOVE HENRY is a “traditionalist” ballad. Tom Paley used to do it. a perverse tale. Henry — modern corporate man off some foreign boat, unable to handle his “psychosis” responsible for organizing the Intelligentsia, disarming the people, an infantile sensualist — white teeth, wide smile, lotza money, kowtow to fairy queen exploiters & corrupt religious establishments, career minded, limousine double parked, imposing his will & dishonest garbage in popular magazines. he lays his head on a pillow of down & falls asleep. he shoulda known better, he must’ve had a hearing problem. STACK A LEE is Frank Hutchinson’s version. what does the song say exactly? it says no man gains immortality thru public acclaim. truth is shadowy. in the pre-postindustrial age, victims of violence were allowed (in fact it was their duty) to be judges over their offenders — parents were punished for their children’s crimes (we’ve come a long way since then) the song says that a man’s hat is his crown. futurologists would insist it’s a matter of taste. they say “let’s sleep on it” but theory already living in the sanitarium. No Rights Without Duty is the name of the game & fame is a trick. playing for time is only horsing around. Stack’s in a cell, no wall phone. he is not some egotistical degraded existentialist dionysian idiot, neither does he represent any alternative lifestyle scam (give me a thousand acres of tractable land & all the gang members that exist & you’ll see the Authentic alternative lifestyle, the Agrarian one) Billy didn’t have an insurance plan, didn’t get airsick yet his ghost is more real & genuine than all the dead souls on the boob tube — a monumental epic of blunder & misunderstanding. a romance tale without the cupidity. BLOOD IN MY EYES is one of two songs done by the Mississippi Sheiks, a little known de facto group whom in their former glory must’ve been something to behold. rebellion against routine seems to be their strong theme. all their songs are raw to the bone & are faultlessly made for these modern times (the New Dark Ages) nothing effete about the Mississippi Sheiks. WORLD GONE WRONG is also by them & goes against cultural policy. “strange things are happening like never before” strange things alright — strange things like courage becoming befuddled & nonfundamental. evil charlatans masquerading in pullover vests & tuxedos talking gobbledygook, monstrous pompous superficial pageantry parading down lonely streets on limited access highways. strange things indeed — irrationalist bimbos & bozos, the stuff of legend, coming in from left field — infamy on the landscape — “pray to the Good Lord” hit the light switch! JACK-A-ROE is another Tom Paley ballad (Tom, one of the original New Lost City Ramblers) the young virgin follows her heart (which can’t be confined) & in it the secrets of the universe. “there was a wealthy merchant” wealthy & philosophically influential perhaps with an odd penchant for young folk. the song cannot be categorized — is worlds away from reality but “gets inside” reality anyway & strips it of its steel and concrete. inverted symmetry, legally stateless, traveling under a false passport. “before you step on board, sir…” are you any good at what you do? submerge you personality. DELIA is one sad tale-two or more versions mixed into one. the song has no middle range, comes whipping around the corner, seems to be about counterfeit loyalty. Delia herself, no Queen Gertrude, Elizabeth 1 or even Evita Peron, doesn’t ride a Harley Davidson across the desert highway, doesn’t need a blood change & would never go on a shopping spree. the guy in the courthouse sounds like a pimp in primary colors. he’s not interested in mosques on the temple mount, armageddon or world war 111, doesn’t put his face in his knees & weep & wears no dunce hat, makes no apology & is doomed to obscurity. does this song have rectitude? you bet. toleration of the unacceptable leads to the last round-up. the singer’s not talking from a head full of booze. Jerry Garcia showed me TWO SOLDIERS (Hazel & Alice do it pretty similar) a battle song extraordinaire, some dragoon officer’s epaulettes laying liquid in the mud, physical plunge into Limitationville, war dominated by finance (lending money for interest being a nauseating & revolting thing) love is not collateral. hittin’ em where they ain’t (in the imperfect state that they’re in) America when Mother was the queen of Her heart, before Charlie Chaplin, before the Wild One, before the Children of the Sun — before the celestial grunge, before the insane world of entertainment exploded in our faces — before all the ancient & honorable artillery had been taken out of the city, learning to go forward by turning back the clock, stopping the mind from thinking in hours, firing a few random shots at the face of time. RAGGED & DIRTY one of the Willie Browns did this — schmaltz & pickled herring, stuffed cabbage, heavy moral vocabulary — sweetness & sentiment, house rocking, superior beauty, not just standing there — the seductive magic of the thumbs up salute, carefully thought out overtones & stepping sideways, the idols of human worship paying thru the nose, lords of the illogical in smoking jackets, sufferers from a weak education, pieces of a jigsaw puzzle — taking stupid chances — being mistreated only just so far. LONE PILGRIM is from an old Doc Watson record. what attracts me to the song is how the lunacy of trying to fool the self is set aside at some given point. salvation & the needs of mankind are prominent & hegemony takes a breathing spell. “my soul flew to mansions on high” what’s essentially true is virtual reality. technology to wipe out truth is now available. not everybody can afford it but it’s available. when the cost comes down look out! there wont be songs like these anymore. factually there aren’t any now. by the way, don’t be bewildered by the Never Ending Tour chatter. there was a Never Ending Tour but it ended in ’91 with the departure of guitarist G.E. Smith. that one’s long gone but there have been many others since then. The Money Never Runs Out Tour (fall of ’91) Southern Sympathizer Tour (early ’92) Why Do You Look At Me So Strangley Tour (European ’92) The One Sad Cry of Pity Tour (Australia & West Coast America ’92) Principles Of Action Tour (Mexico — South American ’92) Outburst Of Consciousness Tour (’92) Don’t Let Your Deal Go Down Tour(’93) & others too many to mention each with their own character & design. to know which was which consult the playlists.
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